Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Repost- Tea and Tea

(This takes place at around 4am, just after my husband woke me up by stumbling around and making noise in the bedroom. Seven hours later I will be going to a Japanese Tea Ceremony in Central Park, we were asked to bring our own lunches)
My mom made tea for you to take later.
(Not comprehending) ... Tea?
(Still not comprehending) ... you mean... to drink? Drinking Tea?
(Is now getting confused, wondering if he had said the right things in English) Yes?
For my... Tea Ceremony? I should bring tea to drink to my tea ceremony?
... .... ... Yes. (Face is now :D + --____-- )

Monday, March 28, 2011

Repost- Story!

So I was eating an orange today. They have a lot of different kinds of oranges here. At least twenty. Some of them have thick skin with a lot of juice that tends to get all over your fingers before you can get inside — you know I’m just going to stop there because that just sounds dirty :P

My husband told me how when he was in middle school, he would play a “game” with his classmates. And this “Game” involved tapping people on the shoulder, and when they turn to look at you, you squirt them in the eye with the orange rind juice.

Fun game, eh?

Though at least he claims he wasn’t a bully. That everyone in the whole school did it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Repost- Fall Fail

Teacher: We have this word-- (Acts out tripping over something), and this word (Acts out falling down), and this one (Acts out slipping)

Me: Wow! You have so many words for just one word!

Teacher: How do you say these in English?

Me: Well the first could have been.. trip.. or... stumble... or... maybe falter... BUT the second one is falling down.. or... tumble... But the third is definitely only slip... or slide (begins mumbling incoherently, realizing that English also doesn't have just one word for 'Fall')